pa,nta euvcaristei/te\ dio,ti tou/to ei=nai
qe,lhma tou/ Qeou/ pro.j evsa/j evn Cristw/| VIhsou/Å
tudo, dai graças, porque esta é
vontade de Deus em Cristo Jesus para convosco.
In every
thing give thanks: for this is
the will of
God in Christ Jesus concerning you.
Thessalonians 5.18
True, many in North America also forget
their history of faith and see this day as Turkey Day, watching football (American,
not the Brazilian national sport which Americans call soccer), family that only
communicates once a year get together to eat until they burst. Why turkey? Because Indians taught colonists how to
hunt wild ones and send starvation far away.
I've bought my turkey and will share it wth
about fifty young people of all ages from our church (IPP) who will be coming
over to our farm on Saturday (because in our State of São Paulo this Thursday
is no holiday) for a community feast. Hope the other forty nine also bring food
and drink because one turkey, even an eighteen-pounder, is too little for so
many people! Yes, the Lord Jesus will be present, but in our present era does
not go around splurging the New Testament times miracle of multiplication of
fish and loaves on postmodern believers--who should be learning to work hard
for our daily bread and have enough to share, while simultaneously resting in
the Lord of Life and Provider of All Things. Just one more of those thoughts
and facts we must learn to weigh, balance, share and pass on to our neighbors
and kin.
I remember a Thanksgiving a few years ago in Philadelphia , when we invited my uncle Philip
Stowell to our table. I made a huge pumpkin stuffed with shrimp, Brazilian
style, and he gave us the gift of the story about when he was in the Navy after
the second world war and was assigned to help the chef prepare turkey stuffed with
“oyster dressing”— for hundreds (or thousands?!) of gringo soldiers homesick
for a real thanksgiving banquet. À propos,
we also had a stuffed turkey for dinner in Philly: the bird was a gift from Nina,
my boss and the pastor’s wife from the church we attended in exilio,) and the fixings of cranberry sauce, corn, creamed onions, other vegetables and cornbread. An international culinary
I know our dinner did not quite match the
banquet Uncle Phil described, but we were grateful for the mercies and
providence of God during meager as well as feasting times He always gives. And
we “weird foreigners with strange customs” were able to share with my “all-American
New Englander” since Cotton Mather and Pocahontas’s times uncle, a little of
the joy of Jesus. Like many senior citizens in North or South
America , he was extremely lonely and we had a profusely present family to liberally give
Presently we live in a city founded by bandeirantes of Portuguese origin that
sunk their roots in Mogi das Cruzes
more than 450 years ago. Lau is a
descendant of, a bandeirante and the legendary Native Brazilian Bartira. I am
remembering ancestors who crossed the Atlantic in tiny ships and once on dry
land , built, with axe, shovels and rough tools, first a school and a church,
before putting up their frugal one-room homes lacking
“essential commodities”—but knew their Bibles, sharing what they knew with
their children, neighbors and friends. I remember the relationship David
Brainerd developed with the Indians less than a hundred years later from the
budding English New World colony, and
see shadows loom tall, of people molded by faith in the God who had
chosen them to be His people.
Now I fast-forward
to this next-weekend’s video and try to balance my wandering thoughts about
food, hospitality to friends, giving and receiving, giving thanks in everything
and for everything, with tales of the first Thanksgiving in the New World and the thanksgiving
of the Hebrew people in the desert after their exodus from Egypt . In spite
of the complaints characteristic of God’s people under Moses or under Obama or
Dilma today, whether an abundance of quail instead of wild turkeys, manah
instead of cornbread or Indian Pudding, water bursting from a rock in the
desert instead of abundant streams and lakes of the “beautiful for spacious
skies and amber waves of grain”, there have always been reasons to give thanks.
Later, in the land
of Israel conquered, inhabited,
consolidated, invaded, sacked by consecutive king s
and warriors, and many times re-built, Bread and Water of Life came down
incarnate. After His death and resurrection, while Pedro and Company Ltd
decided to go back to fishing and couldnt catch anything, Jesus waited for them
on the rocky shore and prepared a
breakfast of grilled fish and pita bread, to talk with them about love and
shepherding God’s flock (John 21:3-24). Jesus had multiplied a boy’s lunch
of fish ad rolls for a hungry audience
of over five thousand. Now He prepared the fish for frustrated fishermen and
turned them into men who built His church, turned the world upside down and
would indellibly mark history of Christianity for all times, to the ends of the
earth. John the evangelist ends his narrative saying that “Jesus did many other things as well. If
every one of them were written down, I suppose that even the whole world would
not have room for the books that would be written”— This is the Good News for
which disciples, apostles, rude fishemen and eminent theologians and thinkers of
all shapes and colors, people of all kinds, from the birthplace of ancient
civilization to the setting sun of modern civilization have reasons galore to
give thanks. no longer need promote --local, national, traditional or borrowed
from different cultures, neither descendants of English, Dutch, disinherited
Portuguese, slaves brought over on ships from Africa, or landowning
slaveholders -- once-a-year days of
thanksgiving –
a great multitude, which no man
could number, of all nations, and kindreds, and people, and tongues... and all the angels ... the elders ...
and beasts fell before the throne on their faces, and worshipped God, saying:
Blessing, and glory, and wisdom, and thanksgiving, and honour, and power, and
might, be unto our God for ever and ever. Amen. Revelation 7:9-12
I am looking
forward to our thanksgiving dinner, whether next Saturday, Thursday or any
other day we get together to celebrate. Above all, I look forward to a Wedding
banquet of the Lamb, in which the guests will be of all kinds, and the Host and
Owner of the Party, the only Lord. You, and any who want to, are invited to
join us!