How many books I’ve translated from English into Portuguese?
Lost count! Well, if I sit down and concentrate, I’m sure the numbers will show
up on what has been one of my major jobs for the last forty years (besides
being a pastor’s wife and mother of three, voracious reader, Bible student,
English teacher, cook and dishwasher, sometime gardener, not such a neat
cleaner and a few other mundane activities). Lots of experience still leaves me
stymied with some texts. I don’t make the same mistake of translating a
Christian sex education book for pre-teens (Ken Taylor’s Almost Twelve) substituting “Eustachian tubes” for “Fallopian
tubes” as I did in the early seventies. I’ve had several ear surgeries since
and don’t mix them there tubes
with those of the reproductive system. Bilingual from the time I learned to
talk, having majored in English and Portuguese, I thought translation would be
a cinch. The editor caught my
mistake in the galley proof. So began my experience as book translator.
That first publishing house had a monthly meeting for
translators and editor s, which
contributed to smoothing out and improving most texts. These meetings with
peers forced us to go beyond formulaic translation, using our imagination to
produce quality work.
I gained writing experience in the process—often re-writing
ten times and still not getting it to “sound” right. I also became immersed in
published works by established writers, learning to distinguish good writing
from bad. I have always learned about writing from translation. For instance,
my first attempts were with a few chapters of textbooks that classmates at
seminary had trouble reading. I translated almost word for word, resulting in
an incomprehensible Portuguese text that caused as much trouble as the English original.
A couple of medical students asked me to put a few chapters of their dense
textbook (where I had to consult a medical dictionary at almost every
paragraph) into readable Portuguese, on which I labored almost a month, and
they, “in gratitude, paid me with a box of chocolates”! À propos, the difference in payment between secular and
Evangelical publishers is still humongous, so we do Christian books as
ministry, not money making. The money made is minimal.
Translation in
the time of Babel
in Genesis to the flames of Pentecost in Acts, language, meaning and
understanding another cultural context have moved and revolutionized all people that on earth do dwell… The
drama and dialogue between Joseph, his brothers and all others concerned was
done through translation, because Joseph hid his true identity until his
youngest brother had arrived in Egypt
(Genesis 42-47).
When young
Jewish noblemen were transported to Babylonian captivity, besides the well-known
story of refusing the rich food of a pagan king, physical transposition and cultural translation is an even greater
emphasis: “young men in whom there was no blemish, but good-looking,
gifted in all wisdom, possessing knowledge and quick to understand, who had ability
to serve in the king's palace, and whom they might teach the language and literature of the Chaldeans... God
gave them knowledge and skill in all literature and wisdom; and Daniel had
understanding in all visions and dreams” (Daniel 1.17). The book of Daniel also
relates a divine translation narrative in which the untranslated words MENE,
MENE, TEKEL, UPHARSIN spoke of the doom of Belshazzar’s Chaldean rule (Dan
Bible translation
Ever hear of the lady who wrote to a Missionary agency
saying “I never got beyond eighth grade and don’t know nothing but English, but
if you can spare me an English-Spanish dictionary, the Lord will help me
translate the Bible into Spanish to help all those Mexicans be saved”! Translation
work is as varied as the types of texts to be rendered into a new language.
Guess that is why it took over seventy scholars to translate the Bible from
Hebrew into Greek in second century BC. I would say that producing the
Septuagint was one of the major cultural-religious feats of the interbiblical
period. This translation of the Old Testament plus Apocrypha was only
translated into English by Sir Lancelot Brenton in 1851. Jerome (347-420) took
twenty years to translated both old and New Testaments from Hebrew, Aramaic and
Greek (using Origen (185-254)’s translation of that Alexandrian VXX as well as
the Torah, Neviim and Ketuvim in original Hebrew, and koiné Greek for the New),
producing the Vulgate translation into Latin which the Bible Christians had in
hand (though only a few erudite people had access to it) for the next few
centuries. The birth of the Reformation could be described as a season of
translations: Erasmus of Rotterdam translated from Greek into Latin. Meanwhile,
Martin Luther used Erasmus’s Greek-Latin translation to translate the New
Testament into German (1522), and by 1532 had finished translating the entire
Bible. This translation helped develop a standard for the German language and
added several principles to the art of translation. William Tyndale lived for a
time under the wing of Luther and, stimulated by the German reformer, produced
the first Bible translated wholly into the English language. Then in 1611, James I of England (James VI of Scotland ) ordered a new
translation, which was to be accurate and true to the originals. He appointed
fifty of the nation's finest language scholars and approved rules for carefully
checking the results, insisting that
the translation use old familiar terms and names and be readable in the idiom
of the day. This was to be made readily available to be read in a land where
seventy per cent of the population was illiterate and a single book cost the
equivalent of a year’s salary for a humble laborer or even a tradesman! A good part of the King James
Version of the Bible (1611) was actually translated by Tyndale. Very quickly
translations into almost all the modern languages were being made and the Bible
was spread throughout the world. Today there are translations of the Bible in
over two thousand languages!
Translation as transmitting
the Gospel
"Translation is the church's
birthmark as well as its missionary benchmark," say Lamin Sanneh, of Yale University .
"The church would be unrecognizable or unsustainable without it...
Translation is profoundly related to the original conception of the Gospel:
God, who has no linguistic favorites, has determined that we should all have
the Good News in our native tongue." The writer of Ecclesiastes said there
is no limit to the writing of books (Ecc 12.12), but that was translated from
Hebrew. Without translation it could not have reached English, Portuguese, Swahili
or Chinese ears, as it has for hundreds of other languages. Gods Spirit made
the Good News understandable to “devout men, from every nation under
heaven” – the multitude came together, were confused, everyone heard his own
language spoken by ignorant Galileans (from Acts 2 throughout the entire New
Testament). Some of the sharers of Glad Tidings were well-versed in Scripture and secular literature (Paul,
Apolos), but others such as Peter had been sub-literate
until the Holy Spirit invested them with power to preach, teach and live out
the Word. Communicating God’s Word turned people and their world upside down!
Modern translations
into previously unknown languages
Several of our friends are missionaries involved in
translating the Word into native Brazilian languages, the result of dozens of
sending churches, seven missionary agencies, 66 translators and more than 150
native speakers directly involved in the translation process. There are two
complete Bibles (in Wai-Wai and Guarani-Mbyá) and 32 New
Testaments translated into indigenous languages in our country alone. A great part of these translators have difficulty
simultaneously dedicating their time to translation and evangelization – even
though the only means of evangelizing
will be through the written word which they produce. It usually takes over
twenty years to translate the Bible to native tongues, and these may be read by
a population of three hundred to three thousand people! Not what you would call
a popular edition!
Modern Translation
I admire those dedicated translators mentioned above, but
confess falling short, by far, of their abilities and goals. Two Western
languages with similar enough cultures suffice for me. I have done a couple of
translations from other languages (French and Spanish, and in a pinch could try
my hand in German), but English and Portuguese keep me on my toes and my arthritic
fingers to the keyboard. Though English is an Anglo-Germanic tongue and
Portuguese Neo-Latin, about 70% of the vocabulary used in English texts is of Latin origin, so it’s
relatively easy to translate into Portuguese – though some words with the same
origin took on different or even contrasting meanings. “Exquisite” in English
is uniquely marvelous, while “esquisito” in Portuguese is strange, weird.
”Pretend” in English is “make believe, fake” while in Portuguese “pretender” is
synonym for “intend, plan”. Even in the same language, some things are interpreted
differently: as an English teacher in Brazil , I was valued for being a
“native speaker”, but when I wrote about “sharing the gospel to the natives” I
was definitely politically and vocationally incorrect! The germ of this blog
was planted by observing my peers’ translations – even having two cultures one
can make serious mistakes, such as:
• In a book about Augustine,
where the author wrote “be content” the translator wrote “be chaste” and mixed
continuance with continence – though the old saint was dealing with sexual
purity in his Confessions, the modern author was talking about being content
(happy) in the Lord’s commandments, which surely implies all of that but was
not the gist of the book in English.
• A translator used a
computer-generated translation for an important document on airport enhancement
and support, declaring that the suite of
computers which commanded airplane traffic control “wore a modern suit”(“usou um terno moderno”)!
• The translator must
have thought of Tolkien’s Lord of the Rings when he was doing The God who is there’s “the ring of truth” into Portuguese, because
he translated into “o anel da verdade” --
substituting the idea of bells pealing to announce truth with a golden
circle to be placed on a finger!
• For every time the original
author mentioned that someone was raised
in a God-fearing home, a recent
translation I saw had rendered into “levantado”, or “lifted ”, (So and so lifted his good house) --changing
the sense and making the translation
A dictionary-sized book could be written about translations
that do not make sense, or contradict common sense, or lose tract of what the
original author really meant to say. But as long as people are diverse,
translations will be needed. I would like to see more Brazilian authors
published here, because communication – whether Biblical or biological -- is
clearest within the cultural context of the people being addressed. For me,
translation was a beginning place, an initial interpretation of ideas to
another group. It should also be my end, in whatever language I write, to
communicate and interpret from one framework of thinking to another – relaying
the truth of the Written and the living Word of God to people like me, in order
to understand God’s eternal truth in fresh language, so that “all peoples,
nations, and languages should serve Him. His dominion is an everlasting
dominion, which shall not pass away, and His kingdom the one which shall
not be destroyed” (Daniel 7.14 NKJ).
Elizabeth Gomes